Friday, May 13, 2011

Coffee Crisp!

Josh sent me candy! Poet/comedian/golden eyes Josh Smith sent me a candy bar in the mail! I shit you not, a for reals candy bar from all the way from New York. Its called Coffee Crisp. And it tastes good! I have already eaten half of it and am trying to save it. Which means it’ll be gone in an hour. I love how its says it makes a light snack on the side. Light my ass! it’s the size of an average Black cock. Hey, I worked at a porn shop for seven years. Don’t judge me. Any of you that can get this when you want you are very lucky. Check Josh Smith out on youtube and follow him on twitter by clicking the links.


SC said...

Can you please find out where in NYC the Coffee Crisp was found? I would love to know!

Dante said...

From the buyer of this treat.

"I actually got it in Canada, where they're sold widely, however there are stores in Buffalo that carry them, including: Bella Mia Chocolate Shop on Delaware and Hertel, in the city; Koster's Ice Cream & Chocolates, in the nearby suburb of Wheatfield; and a few other places, depending on season."

SC said...

Was hoping NY City, but thanks for the reply!