Monday, November 25, 2019

Three Weeks of Food

Over the past couple weeks I have gone and eaten at some groovy ass places. There are two I have no images of like Pinche's on Sunset with with CK and recently The Counter near the tar pits with Cam. Before the AFI Fest with Coco we headed to PokiNometry. I had been here once before the previous year and it was so damned good. I ended up getting poki at another place this week down the street from me. Just get some shrimp, some tuna, some avocado and I'm good.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Tart Breakfast

Yesterday Cam and I headed to Tart for breakfast. We had not been in a hot minute. I fought myself and did not get the chicken and waffles and got the American Breakfast instead. Bacon, eggs, potatoes, and toast. I also got hot cocoa to drink. It was a cool morning and we were outside at first and ended up taking our chilly asses indoors.

Cam got the Chilaquiles. It has tortilla chips, salsa Colorado, scrambled eggs, lime cream, queso fresco and cilantro. She offered me one bite and I took it but would not take another because it was so damned good I know I would have started eating all her food. She got a latte to go with it. This place is really good and it is never super packed so its nice to sit and talk and listen to good music.